List of excellent free online courses in Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

When I started to publish my first free list of humanitarian courses with digital learning and training, i was clear to me I should add a dedicated list for International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. During my NOHA Masters in Dublin (Humanitarian Assistance MSc at University College Dublin), one of the main blocks was IHL – International Humanitarian Law. I had never imagined studying law before. But it was one of the best, most fun, and most valuable courses I ever took (and my highest grades ever). Much appraisal goes to the amazing Heike Spieker, who provided that course. After all those years I still remember her providing this lecture vividly. 

If you have questions about which law applies and familiarize yourself with relevant bodies of law. Or getting an introduction to other normative guidance on protection. Want to increase your understanding of how the legal framework informs and provides the foundation of protection work. You can start with this excellent, relatively short course first: International Normative Framework in Humanitarian Protection by Norwegian Refugee Council – NRC, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – OCHA, and ProCap (3 hours).

So what is International humanitarian law?

According to ICRC: International humanitarian law is a set of rules which seek, for humanitarian reasons, to limit the effects of armed conflict. It protects persons who are not or are no longer participating in the hostilities and restricts the means and methods of warfare. International humanitarian law is also known as the law of war or armed conflict. International humanitarian law is part of international law, which governs relations between States. International law is contained in agreements between States – treaties or conventions –in customary rules, which consist of State practice as legally binding and general principles. International humanitarian law applies to armed conflicts. It does not regulate whether a State may use force; this is governed by an important, but distinct, part of international law set out in the United Nations Charter.”

On-demand introduction courses in International Humanitarian Law

  1. International Humanitarian Law by Université catholique de Louvain (4-12 hours per week – 12 weeks)
  2. Introduction to International Humanitarian Law (IHL) by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) (5 hours)
  3. International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice by University of Leiden (19 hours)
  4. International Normative Framework in Humanitarian Protection by Norwegian Refugee Council – NRC, United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs – OCHA and ProCap (3 hours)
  5. International Humanitarian Law by Hong Kong Jockey Club Disaster Preparedness and Response Institute (HKJCDPRI) (8-16 hours)
  6. Certification in International Legal Frameworks for Humanitarian Action by PHAP – International Association of professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (unknown)
  7. Introduction to IHL and its relevance for Humanitarian actors by PHAP – International Association of professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (1 hour)
  8. Humanitarian Law and Policy by PHAP – International Association of professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (24 hours)
  9. IHL and Core Humanitarian Principles: humanity, neutrality, impartiality and independence by PHAP – International Association of professionals in Humanitarian Assistance and Protection (1 hour)

Free Introduction courses in Human Rights, and more

  1. What is International Human Rights Law? by University of Kent (4 hours per week – 4 weeks)
  2. International Human Rights Law by UC Louvain (8 hours per week -12 weeks)
  3. Human Rights and International Criminal Law: An Introduction by University of Padova (6 hours per week – 4 weeks)
  4. Human Rights, Human Wrongs: Challenging Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Exclusion by SDG Academy (4 hours per week – 11 weeks)
  5. How Well Does International Human Rights Law Serve Marginalised People? by University of Kent (4 hours per week – 4 weeks)
  6. Child Protection: Children’s Rights in Theory and Practice by Harvard University (2-6 hours per week – 16 weeks)
  7. Child Rights and Why They Matter by UNICEF (1,5 hour)
  8. International Women’s Health and Human Rights by Stanford (58 hours)
  9. Promoting and Protecting Human Rights: a Global Overview by Global Campus of Human Rights (7 weeks)
  10. Children Deprived of Liberty: learning from the UN Global Study by Global Campus of Human Rights (4 hours per week – 9 weeks)
  11. Human Rights for Open Societies by Utrecht University (14 hours)
  12. Integrating child rights in development cooperation by UNICEF (9 hours)
  13. Children’s Human Rights – An Interdisciplinary Introduction by University of Geneva (11 hours)
  14. Indigenous Peoples’ Rights by Colombia University (2-4 hours per week – 10 weeks)
  15. Defending Dignity: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights by Amnesty Academy (1 hour per week – 3 weeks)
  16. Championing Change: Human Rights and the Climate Crisis by Amnesty Academy (1 hour per week – 3 weeks)
  17. Asylum and Refugee Law by UC Louvain (6-8 hours per week – 14 weeks)
  18. Law and the Framing of Migrants and Migration by Kent University (3 hours per week – 4 weeks)
  19. Law’s Absence and Law’s Failings by Kent University (3 hours per week – 4 weeks)

If you are looking for more practical training regarding Gender Based Violence and Child Protection, or Protection during emergencies, please also check the dedicated list I created on these subjects here

This list has been compiled based on my experience in the sector, my training as NOHA Alumni and with support of colleagues and others who know much more about IHL and HR than I do. Please let me know what I am missing and I will keep on updating this list.