Exciting call and video launch: Solvoz is Fundraising

We are rising and raising, fundraising. A bold mission requires bold actions and funding to make a difference. Last week I recorded a video. Explaining Why I founded Solvoz, What we tackle, and call for funding to scale and grow Solvoz into 2023… 

It’s also scary. I usually share within my network (like the lists I recently published of free professional online humanitarian courses or via the work of our foundation). I connect dots and people; I am dedicated to open-access knowledge. Today it is time for me to request others to help me connect my dot (my Solvoz mission) with another dot (a philanthropist or impact investor) to embark on a joint mission. To ensure we bridge the funding gap in aid. To end poverty, malaria, polio and address all other humanitarian and global health needs. How? By making sure our funds are used as efficiently and effectively as possible… through technology and procurement capacity – by scaling Solvoz today!

Solvoz is fundraising

My LinkedIn post today

LinkedIn has always been a networking platform and content platform. About sharing professional expertise, finding your next job, and showcasing your work as a company or organization. Social media’s influence was definitely not part of my MSc in Humanitarian Assistance in Dublin or studies in Tropical Agriculture in Wageningen back in the day. Although I still think I am young, to be honest… 

Anyway, today was scary, but time to step up, tell the world why I do what I do, how Solvoz is making an impact, and my call for funds to scale in 2023—using my social and professional network and social media. My bold mission requires bold actions! 

How you can help

I would appreciate your support to get my call out in this digital world. Share the video, reach out for advice or invite for a digital coffee (or in-person). We can only address the world’s largest problems when we work together!

5 thoughts on “Exciting call and video launch: Solvoz is Fundraising

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