Excellent humanitarian free online courses on Cash and Vouchers programming

If we talk abbreviations as measure for it being common in the humanitarian sector, Cash-based programming definitely hit the bar: CVA, CALP, HCT, CBI, CBP, CTP, CCT… However, Cash-based programs do no longer require introductions as it’s a core modality of many agencies in our sector. For those new in our sector: Cash-based programs in humanitarian aid offer numerous advantages over traditional in-kind assistance. They empower recipients by providing them with choice and autonomy, stimulate local economies, and are cost-effective compared to logistical challenges of handling physical goods. Additionally, cash transfers promote transparency and accountability, ensuring aid reaches the intended recipients while reducing the risk of corruption. 

If you wish to learn more about Cash-Based and Voucher programs, please check out the work of CALP!  Most of the resources below are developed by or with CALP as you will notice shortly. 

Whether it’s responding to natural disasters or addressing the needs of displaced populations, cash-based programming offers a more dignified and empowering way to support individuals and communities in distress. To equip humanitarian professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate this evolving field, this blog post presents (in line with all previous posts of great free online elearning courses for humanitarians) an overview of exceptional online e-learning courses on cash and vouchers and cash-based programming. 

This blog is part of a series I started on World Humanitarian Day 2022, with an initial post “A list of trusted online humanitarian learning opportunities”. From that day, I added more specific lists. Check for example also the post of free elearning courses on M&E in our sectorMental Health and Psycho-social supportGBV,  Logistics or Waste Mangement. If you happen to know more free online courses on Cash and Vouchers, please drop me a note and I will keep on adding those to this list.

Online free courses on cash and vouchers assistance

Market Analysis, cash-based programming and cash transfer courses

Related Cash and voucher courses for humanitarians

If you wish to familiarize yourself further, there is a great resource collection at the Humanitarian Library, containing all major resources. A collection from 2021, offering all kinds of relevant guidelines to support managing cash projects in emergencies (resources by UNHCR, CALP, CRS, IOM, IRC and many others).  Otherwise please check the CALP network as indicated above. 

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